Would you like to get an opportunity to make 6 Figured monthly income?

Take the first step towards a thriving clinical pharmacy practice with our 15-day masterclass! This comprehensive workshop will equip you with the expertise to establish a successful business, even with minimal investment. Our seasoned industry experts will share invaluable tips and tricks to kickstart your journey, and as a bonus, you’ll receive FREE mentorship to guide you every step of the way. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to unlock the secrets of independent clinical pharmacy practice and secure your spot today.

Duration of Masterclass on Independent Clinical Pharmacy

2 Weeks

Location of Masterclass on Independent Clinical Pharmacy

  • Islamabad

Learning Objectives

  • How to identify patient symptoms
  • How to diagnose a patient
  • How to treat a patient for minor ailments using OTC drugs
  • How to monetize clinical skills to achieve 6 figured monthly income
  • How to establish an Independent Clinical Pharmacy Practice
  • Tips & tricks to start your own pharmacy business

Diseases Covered:

  • Fever/body aches/head ache
  • Inflammation
  • Flu
  • Cough
  • Nasal congestion
  • Head lice
  • Ear ache
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Sore throat
  • Asthma
  • Cramps / Spasm of GIT
  • Indigestion & Heartburn
  • Epigastric pain
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Dysmenorrhea
  • Polymenorrhea
  • Oligomenorrhoea
  • Shiatica / back ache
  • Ankle sprain
  • Myalgias
  • Tooth ache
  • Allergy
  • Burns and cuts
  • Psoriasis
  • Deworm
  • Rash
  • Vitamin-D deficiency
  • Dehydration
  • UTIs
  • Hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Vaginal infections
  • Acne/pimples
  • Toe nail infection
  • Insect bite
  • Scabies
  • Hair loss
  • Hemorrhoid
  • Constipation
  • Accidental injury
  • Teething discomfort
  • Dog bite
  • Infant colic

Expert Trainers

Trained by the best practitioners in their respective fields.

Real-time Intensive Training

Hands-on training conducted on real models where every trainee has three dedicated patients.

International Techniques & Technologies

The course outlines are devised and the courses are conducted in line with International practices.